Welcome to OxRanks.com. We are committed to providing top-tier digital services, as outlined on our website. Before we initiate any campaign, full payment of the agreed fees is required.
OxRanks.com Services Include:
- Acquisition of backlinks from various online platforms such as websites, blogs, and directories to enhance link popularity.
- Development of content and visual documents.
- Creation of detailed placement and submission reports.
Client Acknowledgement:
Clients must understand and agree to the following terms regarding our services:
- All service fees are non-refundable.
- Requests for alterations to completed orders, like changes in anchor texts or target URLs, may attract an administrative fee of £15 per modification. This fee is subject to the discretion of the OxRanks.com Support team. Additional changes to completed projects may incur further charges.
- All fees, services, recommendations, and reports are treated as confidential.
Search Engine Policies:
- OxRanks.com does not influence the policies of search engines regarding site or content acceptance. Your website may be excluded from any platform at the sole discretion of that platform.
- We have no control over external website and blog owners modifying or removing links and content. Any refunds or replacements will be in line with the specific refund policy of each service.
Liability and Risk:
- OxRanks.com shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages or loss of profits resulting from the use of our services.
- Clients assume all risks associated with the services, acknowledging potential unknown damages.
- We reserve the right to modify order details, including anchor text, to ensure successful placements or completion of services.
- OxRanks.com does not guarantee specific search engine rankings or increased traffic.
- Clients acknowledge the inherent risks of penalties or other SEO impacts from link building. We are not liable for such impacts.
- We are not responsible for changes made to the client’s website by other parties that negatively affect search engine rankings.
Non-Disclosure Agreement:
- While we don’t sign individual NDAs, we treat all client information with strict confidentiality.
- Confidential information will only be used for the agreed purposes and will not be disclosed to third parties, except as necessary for the execution of the service.
- OxRanks.com reserves the right to refuse service for websites in illegal or offensive industries.
- Orders involving prescription drugs, gambling, casinos, and adult content require separate consideration and may be refused.
- Clients unsure about content compliance should contact us before placing an order.
Email Communications:
- By engaging with our services, clients consent to receive emails from OxRanks.com, including order notifications, system updates, new services, offers, or educational material.
- Any disputes, interim remedies, or other legal proceedings will be exclusively resolved in the courts.
Your Digital Marketing Partner: OxRanks.com